iBooks by James R Murphy


iBooks by James R Murphy

Why String FiguresWhy String Figures

An introduction into the magic of string figures and what they have to teach us.
An exposition of a curriculum using string figures for all the grades of public school in the United States. 


The Diamond System of FiguresThe Diamond System of Figures

a beginning system of forming a series of string figures based on the usage of two and four diamond figures


the ten men system of figuresThe Ten Men System of Figures

The ten men figure is the first three loop figure I teach.  It is simple to learn and affords a rich system of variations.
I taught ten men to my daughter riding to school with her on the bus in New York City when she was three and a half years old.


north american indian figuresNorth American Indian Figures

a detailed exploration of several north american indian net string figures with complex variations


vertical nets and tennis netsVertical Nets and Tennis Nets

this book continues developing a system of more and more complex string figures.